Tuesday, September 26, 2006

WHY NOT? High speed internet has gotten so widespread that nearly everyone in the world could have a copy of the best and easiest Bible software--for Free! So I put our Bible Explorer 4 program and a basic electronic library on www.Bible-Explorer.com for free download. All you need is a PC, high speed internet and an interest in the Bible.
I've gotten many requests from missionaries, prison ministries, teachers, preachers, and believers all over the world who need Bible software but don't have funds to buy it. Rather than try to respond to those needs individually, I'm making it generally available for free download on the internet, and we'll see where God leads us. This approach has worked very well with our InstaVerse program and many have been blessed by it.
Now, you may already have a larger library in WORDsearch, but you probably know someone in your church or study group who could benefit from electronic Bible study. Pass this on to them.
Bible Explorer 4 is the latest version of one of our most popular programs we've been selling and improving since 1995. It's the same program used in our retail packages, sold in Christian bookstores and acclaimed by reviewers and customers for its ease of use.
If you or someone you know needs a good basic Bible study program, download it now. If you like it, please tell all your friends. If you have a website or blog, feel free to put a link to www.Bible-Explorer.com to help us spread the Word.
Randy Beck
3006 Longhorn Blvd, #110
Austin, TX 78758

Friday, September 01, 2006

Grandpa and kids at the Sioux Falls Zoo. I have no idea what they are looking at in the cage. Posted by Picasa

Steve's beginning of a swan dive off the high dive. Posted by Picasa

Caleb even dove headfirst off this a few dives later! Posted by Picasa

Sarah jumping off the really, really high dive board. Posted by Picasa

View from our sleeping room in Colorado. Posted by Picasa

Caleb, carp, Cooper, and Cookie Posted by Picasa

Make a wish...all the candles out...no girlfriends. Actually, that might have been the wish, not to have any girlfriends! Posted by Picasa

Brady (10), Micaih (12), and Cooper (9) with our freshly 12 Caleb Posted by Picasa

Wearing new clothes, opening a new fishing tackle box. Posted by Picasa

Playstation maniacs. Posted by Picasa

About Vacations, Puppies, and Birthdays

Okay, so it's been a couple months and so much to say but not much time to type. Here's a very short summary:

In July we were sent to Triennial Conference by our church in Estes Park, CO. On the way we saw a sign for a store called, "The Screamin' Peach" and underneath noticed the words, "A Waxing Studio" which made us just roar! Not gonna be on our list of places to visit, ever! Overall the trip was peaceful and relaxing, a perfect vacation/conference. Caleb and Sarah braved the high board at the swimming pool. We also saw many friends and family along the two week route, each a blessing in their own way!

After arriving home, we babysat and then adopted a cute little dog named Cookie. She hails as a Pek-a-Poo (half Pekinese and half Poodle) and is already seven years old. She loves to be on our hard floors, no carpets, and sleeps outside by her choice. Mostly she takes naps indoors and plays outside. Perhaps I'll remember to take a picture of her and the kids and put it on the blog next month. She's a blonde, like me!

Steven directed the Junior Camp up at Crystal Springs Bible Camp, while my parents spoiled the kids up good in Bismarck, ND. Both of the concurrent weekends proved fruitful and fun.

Last week my, sniff, baby, sniff sniff, turned a ghastly twelve. I didn't know babies did that! But Caleb is growing inside and out and we are so proud of him. With three friends to spend the night, they played silly games outside and then used much thumb power on a nearly all night marathon of Playstation. They set up two systems so all four could play at one time. Crazy, crazy fun!

This week Steven and I have been sewing backpacking quilts and tarps. Those are ultra-lightweight alternatives to a sleeping bag and tent. It's ugly stuff to manuever but everything has turned out great so far. Imagine sewing slimy salamanders and you kinda get the picture of working with this material. We intend to test them out in the Big Horn mountains of Wyoming over Labor Day Weekend, after the Sunday service, of course!

Officially, by state standards, home education has begun once again. The groans of enjoyment can be heard daily, four times a week in our house. Going over the punctuation rules, did you know I've left out about half of the necessary commas on this letter? They're supposed to be all over the place, evidently!,,,,,,,,,,,Maybe that will make up for it.

Blessings and smiles,

Marcia for the Swann's