We're packing, sorting, and preparing to move by August 1. What a perfect time to get rid of dead weight!
A thought keeps running through my head. I heard a pastor once talk about how much we now value our stuff and use it to identify us, rather than use it to fulfill a purpose for us. He went on to say that not too many years ago a missionary family would leave to serve overseas with just a suitcase in each hand. Nowadays, a missionary family often fills a shipping container with just their basics, according to him. He wasn't pointing a dig at missionaries so much as jabbing us all for the misplaced importance we put on our belongings.
Today, as I was sorting, I kept asking myself, "Would I need this overseas?" Almost always, the answer was no. Sometimes I opted to keep it anyway. At least it became an intentional decision rather than just putting every silly little item I own into a cardboard box.
A simplified life has less stuff to consume thoughts. Therefore, more mental space for creativity. Again, I am searching for space. Go, Home Astronaut!
I have a funny story to tell in a few days, but first I need to get permission from the person involved. Check back for a laugh!
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