These are the three photo finalists, after much touching up and enhancing, that we chose to send out to our church members and attenders. We didn't like one much better than another so we printed all three and distributed them fairly equally. For the family and friends that don't have access to the internet, or who haven't chosen to opt in on the e-mail update, we hope to send out a photo taken in October of Marcia and the two kids. I forgot to tell Steven WHEN the picture shoot was so he didn't get to be included (bad, Marcia).
Thursday, December 22, 2005
The Swann's Swimmings
If you like astronomy at all or if you like to see scientific evidence of God's recorded miracles, this is an intriguing look at the Bethlehem Star:
Monday, December 19, 2005
December 16, 2005
Dear Loved Ones,
Today is our Open House here at the parsonage! Our counter is full of delicious food, some healthy and some not so much. If you happen to be in the area, do stop by for a chat. The children spent all week doing chores extra well so the house fairly sparkles. Nearly all of the presents reside under the groomed tree and even some of the stockings are looking a bit plumper than a week ago (evidently I'm not the only one to gain weight in the Christmas season)! Soothing, familiar tunes float from the stereo and finish off the perfect ambiance. So, company is welcome to come and share the joy of the day!
The weather continues to delight and excite my children as each day seems to bring just a few more flakes to rest on the ground. Perhaps in a week it will amount to enough to be officially considered the elusive White Christmas! Either way, their hope is infectious.
Obviously, my mood has vastly improved as I've read the old minor prophets. God wanted so much for His people just to return and worship. He didn't require anything more than a broken and humble heart. I can do that. And God heals the blahs and replaces it with a peace with Him, which is of utmost importance.
Do not be alarmed if you don't receive a Christmas card or letter from us this year. We do try to keep in touch all year through and it is seeming like just a bit too much to do an additional thing this month. I hope you will forgive my selfishness of time. Although there is still one week left, so perhaps... hey... Do you like New Year's cards? Or how about Epiphany cards (Jan. 6)? Valentine's cards?
Some more guests are arriving and so I must play the hostess. I love this!
Marcia for the Swann's
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
I full-heartedly recommend this movie. We took the whole family and found it suitable for all. I am already excited for the sequel! One minor dissension point would be the changing of C.S. Lewis' view of women in battle. However, I realize that precious few would argue with the changing.
Go see this movie, no matter how old you are. It most certainly is not a "kids only" flick and contains a wide audience appeal.
Friday, December 09, 2005
As Far as the Separation of Church and State
We too often if we are imposing our church onto what maybe considered the state's domain. However, we as the church never seem to bat an eye when the state drastically curtails our domain and takes dominion over duties clearly given to the church. For instance, as believers we are told to take care of the widows and orphans multiple times throughout Scripture. Yet, we easily give that obligation over to the state through reliance on Social Security and Social Services. I suppose the general welfare system would be another large example. Decorating towns for Christmas might be a small, more debatable option. If we are truly excited about the non-ordained celebration of our Savior's birth, wouldn't we gladly volunteer our time and money to Deck the Highways, as it were?
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
This is an interesting article on miracles. It discusses the three purposes of miracles and whether they "violate" the laws of nature, according to science.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Hi all,
Scrooge here.
Thanksgiving turned out quite differently than expected. A few weeks before, Steve's Gram surprised us by saying she would be flying up to Bismarck to spend some time with us and stay with his Ma for a week. Coming here was fine, but her trip home became an adventure. That was the day of much snow in some parts of this Heartland. She was able to fly out of Bismarck but her second flight had been cancelled. So then she had to stay in a hotel in Minneapolis until the next morning when her new flight left, albeit two hours late! Steve's Dad also made it back from Mississippi, where he had been volunteering with the hurricane relief. So, we ended up with quite the tableful after all. Of course, the food overwhelmed us and we got to eat it for several meals straight in order to prevent waste! Some of the leftover turkey was made into Turkey Tetrazzini and I personally loved that. Steven barely survived the week with having three sermons to preach plus a Sunday School lesson. We were grateful for a God who gives us strength and grace, both for others and from others.
I'm not feeling "Christmassy" at all this year. Once again, as I have done for a few years now, I made a calendar of the month to specifically plan out when I can do some baking, make cards, write a letter, address envelopes and mail Christmas greetings (those each become a day's task because we include everyone in our church on our list), plan a couple Christmas parties, host an open house, and regular stuff too. It usually helps me be organized and get all that I want done in the month and not feel stressed in the meantime. This year I looked at it all and just feel like, "Why bother?" For the past four years I've bought those green ice cream trees to celebrate the first day of December and the start of the Christmas season. I didn't even check to see if the store had them this year. So calling me Ebenezer Scrooge wouldn't be out of line.
Today is our town's Christmas Craft Fair and a couple of the businesses have open houses. We hope to go and maybe that will help my grinchy attitude.
I haven't taken the pictures of the kids on their new bikes but maybe later today. If so, then I'll try to put them on the blog.
Pray for my heart. Sorry to be such a downer this time. I guess we have those days too. Maybe you can tell me something you are looking forward to this month to cheer me up.