Yup, all four of us got a significant haircut this Fall. In order of length: I lost 6", Sarah 4", Caleb 3", and Steven 1 1/2 " due to the one hairdresser moving her shop that month and the other hairdresser in town working at her part-time job at the gas station that day. Sometimes options are slim in a small town. So Marcia and her clippers started on Steve's hair. We got one side buzzed and the clippers absolutely quit. Caleb kind of favored the half-mohawk look on his Dad. In light of that, we found an out-of-town stylist and were about to make a 20 minute drive for a 10 minute cut when someone volunteered to lend us their clippers. The day was saved!
Funny story behind the photo: Caleb wore a yellow t-shirt and khakis to church and then went home to change right afterwards for the picture. I guess a suit was too dressed up for Sunday School according to him.
In case you can't quite tell, Caleb is definitely taller than me. That was my Mother's Day present this year. Now I call him Shorty. He just smiles proudly.
Sarah almost always has that sparkly glow about her. She loves her new glasses. We've only lost them twice so far.
Steven and I have both grown a lot this year physically. That surprised each of us. We're not fatter than we've ever been before; we're just at our "personal best."
A friend snapped this shot for us and then we modified it on a Mac computer. That means you are free to print or copy it as you see fit.
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