Friday, February 15, 2008

o, our dear dog, Cookie, had a lump and we took her to the vet. He said it was a mammory tumor and could be fairly easily removed and more prevented if she was spayed. Since she's nine, pregnancy would no longer be a good thing for her anyway. So we did that. He actually found another tumor too and an abcess. She was a hurting unit for a couple days but is doing much better now and once again begs for table food politely.

On the way home from the vet, however, our family discussed many things. Caleb asked if when Pawpaw and Granny moved back, could Granny still substitute at the school since she used to have a Teacher's Gift Certificate? We said sure. Sarah asked how Cookie would stay asleep if someone was cutting her. Dada said they used anesthesia. Sarah asked what was anesthesia. Dada said it was a princess from Russia that Disney once made a movie about. Sarah said, "Oh, I've seen that." No more questions. I prompted Steven to explain the difference between Anastasia and Anesthesia.

Hopefully, your week was entertaining too.


Marcia for the Swann's


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