Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Marcia's parents are called Grandpa and Grandma. They live in Sioux Falls, SD. Grandpa works for Sioux Valley, driving their mobile MRI truck. Grandma works for HSBC, which is a credit card company. She has earned a couple trips to exotic places for her successes at work. They love to travel, do all sorts of new activities, play games (but they talk a lot in between turns so the games take forever) and cook tons and tons of food, no matter how many people are actually there to eat the food. We go to visit them three or four times a year and they come to see us once or twice a year so we end up getting together one way or another about every other month. Grandpa likes NASCAR and water aerobics and being goofy. Grandma is diabetic, likes Diet Coke, and laughing all the time. They are always working on another remodeling project somewhere in their house. I won't tell you how old they are but maybe you can guess from the picture since they are six months apart. Posted by Picasa


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